Welcome to BBTA Coffee Roasting

Coffee roasting is a craft that transforms raw green coffee beans into aromatic flavorful beans we brew daily. It’s a journey of precision and passion. Where science meets art is try to create the perfect cup.

What is Coffee Roasting?

Coffee roasting is the process of heating green coffee beans to bring out their complex flavours. During roasting, the beans undergo chemical changes that develop their characteristic taste profiles, ranging from bright and fruity to rich and chocolatey. Roasters carefully control like temperature, airflow, and roasting time to achieve desired flavours and aromas.

What is Coffee Roasting?

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The Roasting Process:

Roasting coffee beans isn’t a particularly complicated or long process and only three coffee roasting stages are needed to make the change from green to brown these are drying, roasting, and cooling…

Drying Stage

Before anything can happen,the coffee beans need to be dried.Coffee beans have around 10% humidity, which all needs to be extracted before any roasting occurs.This stage will turn the coffee beans from green to yellow,as part of the reaction.

These beans are placed into a rotating roasting drum at 160°C and left for up to 8 minutes. This is enough time to dry out the coffee beans without burning them. Then, they move onto the main event event the roasting.

Roasting Stage

The roasting stage is the principal part of the process, and the most important.The coffee beans will develop nearly all of their flavours, character and colour during the Roasting.The roasting drum is now set between 200°C-230°C for set up to 15 Minutes and their is where the Iconic coffee bean crack starts to occur.

It is at this point that something called the ‘Maillard reaction’ slowly occurs as the temperature rises. The ‘Maillard reaction’ is when the sugars and amino acids in the coffee bean react together to make hundreds of new colour and aroma compounds. Its from reaction that the familiar smell and taste of the coffee bean are created.

Each type of coffee demands a slightly different process during roasting. Most often, altering the temperature and duration of the roasting are the most common ways coffee roasters do this. Depending on the type of roast, a coffee bean may need more or less time roasting at a higher or lower temperature. Well-experienced coffee roasters will have worked out the perfect formula for their coffee beans, knowing them like the book of their hand! There’s a lot of trial and error in roasting, so those who are impatient may want to avoid becoming a coffee roaster.

Cooling Stage

Cooling is the final stage for the coffee beans.The beans have been dried and roasted ,turning them brown and packing them full with flavour. Coffee roasters now interrupt the roasting stage to quickly bring the beans down to room temperature.

By quickly reducing the temperature of the coffee beans after roasting,the beans can store their all of their unique flavours. This part takes a minimum of five minutes.

Once cooled that’s it! The coffee beans are ready to be ground down and made into your favourite cup of coffee!

3 different levels of roasting

Everyone has their own coffee preferences. However, whether you like a latte or cappuccino isn’t up for consideration here, It’s the way that the roasters roast coffee beans…

There are three different levels of roast that coffee beans are subjected to each type of roast affects how your fastest. Everything from acidity, body and sweetness can be charged through small tweaks in the roasting method.

Potential roasting problems

Unfortunately, roasting coffee isn’t a walk in the park There may not be many steps, but coffee beans can be very temperamental, so roasting can easily ‘go South’ fast.only a fully trained coffee roaster knows how to avoid a bad roast and ruined bean. Here are the main problems that occur with a bad roast…